Last of the Summer Wine

LOTSW – the Last of the Summer Wine Construction Company

The Last of the Summer Wine Construction Company team was started by long term club members, Paul Pritchett, Ken Nesbit & Malcolm Pearson, and these 3 have formed the base of the group of volunteers for 25 years. They have been joined by many others since. The name came when they were doing a job rebuilding the jetty at Traffic Cops Bay and they were asked who they were. Quick as a flash Ken said  'The Last of the Summer Wine Construction Company' and so it started.

Currently, with 8 regular members and 6 who come when they can, the group do many of the necessary repairs and maintenance jobs around the club as well as projects like the lining of the clubhouse to EQ standards and the new railing around our hardspace.

Members, ex-members and friends of members are always welcome to join us at CBYC. We are there on most Wednesdays from 10am - bring your lunch.

We are a friendly bunch and are always looking for interested adults to join our group.