Junior Learn to Sail- Optimist

Generously sponsored by Bayleys Diamond Harbour and 4Square Diamond Harbour

Learning to sail is an amazing and empowering activity for children. As well as being outside in nature and learning the fundaments of how to sail a boat, children learn about boat set up, maintainence and repair. Sailors develop valuable life skills such as independence and resilience, team work and problem solving. The sheltered waters of Charteris Bay make an ideal spot for children to experience sailing for the first time.

The courses cover on-shore theory, rigging, launching, on-water coaching and fun activities, capsizing and retrieving boats. Parents are expected to be actively involved and to stay at the club. It is a great opportunity for adults to learn new skills. We encourage all Green Fleet sailors to participate in club day sailing, every second Sunday during the season as well as their Monday and Tuesday instruction.

Children must be at least 8 years old, be comfortable being in deep water in capsize situations and have basic swimming skills. If they are unable to swim 50m in a lifejacket you must let the course organiser and coach know.

Learn to sail programs run after school in terms 4 & 1. This year our annual Spring Clinic  is going to be integrated into the term 4 program to open the season and LTS with a solid day of training for all participants.

You can contact us at cbyccoaching@gmail.com if you'd like to discuss these options in more detail.

CBYC are seeking to align our courses with the new NZIODA framework. Our planned levels will offer:

  1. Learn to Sail 1 - First introduction to sailing in an Optimist
  2. Learn to Sail 2 - Progression from LTS1, still sailing in a Club supplied Plastimist
  3. Green Fleet (beginner) - Sailing your own boat for the first time, still focused on basic skill development and fun. Must also be club member.
  4. Green Fleet (for fun) - Any age, has sailed their own boat previously. These sailors enjoy sailing for fun but aren't currently looking to sail competitively. Must also be club member.
  5. White Fleet - Developing towards competitive racing. These sailors would normally attend Club Day racing and may be interested in working towards sailing at Regattas (Own Boat required). Must also be club member.
  6. Open Fleet  Our competitive sailing program for Advanced skill levels in Optimist (own boat required). Must also be club member.

Term 4 2024 program dates and times

LTS 1 Monday/Tuesday group

Saturday 12 October  9am-3pm

Mon/Tues: 14/15, 28/29 October, 11/12, 25/26 Nov, 9/10 Dec  (all 4.30-6.30)

Cost: $400

LTS 1 Sunday group

Saturday 12 October  9am-3pm

Sunday: 20 Oct, 3 Nov, 10 Nov, 24 Nov, 1 Dec, 8 Dec (3 hours for sailors- variable times due to tides TBA)

Cost: $400

LTS 2 Monday/ Tuesday

Saturday 12 October   9am-3pm

Mon/Tues: 14/15, 28/29 October, 11/12, 25/26 Nov, 9/10 Dec  (all 4.30-6.30)

Cost: $400


Saturday 12 October   9am-3pm (Optional, cost $80)

Mon/Tues: 14/15, 28/29 October, 11/12, 25/26 Nov, 9/10 Dec  (all 4.30-6.30)

Cost: $300

Note: Greenfleet sailors must also be club members, and also book and pay for boat storage on the membership page

White Fleet/Open fleet combined

Saturday 12 October   9am-3pm

Saturdays: 19 Oct, 26 Oct, 2 Nov, 9 Nov, 16 Nov, 23 Nov, 30 Nov, 7 Dec, 14 Dec (3.5 hours- variable times TBA)

Tuesdays: 15 October, 29 October, 12 Nov, 26 Nov, 10 Dec (all 4.30-6.30)

Plus expectation of club racing 13 October, 27 October, 10 Nov, 1 Dec (uncoached)

Cost: $500

Note: White/Open fleet sailors must also be club members, and also book and pay for boat storage on the membership page

Expectations: Please note, Learn to Sail at CBYC is a volunteer run program and we need your support to make it happen and to ensure a good experience for all.  

Monday/ Tuesday start time is 4:30pm sharp and sailors should be changed, have suncreen on and be ready to go at this time.

Parents/guardians are required to stay throughout the session and we need a minimum of one adult to two kids. If you are sharing supervision duties, please ensure you have someone available throughout the entire session within this ratio.

Parents need to be suitably dressed and prepared to get wet if required (e.g. retireving or launching boats).

Further information will be sent out to parents prior to course start.

For more information please contact us at cbyccoaching@gmail.com